Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Look away all you faint-hearted

This picture was taken soon after the hospital stay. It has healed a little bit. They liked to say that "beefy red" is good. I apologize to all for these gross looking pics but this episode has been a big part of our life since right before Christmas. must be posted!
Here is a "middle of healing" picture. You can see the hole is filling in. It is very important that the top epidermis does not try to cover over until the middle flesh has filled in. Just a little bit of inormation for all of you that don't know about "Big humungus Hole wounds"
In this shot I wanted to compare the size of the wound so you can see how big it was. Now, at this point it has healed quite a bit. In the beginning it was the size of a biscuit cutter that is about 2 1/2 inches in diameter. Loverly! The yellowy substance at the top of this pic is called Slough. The home health nurse would wipe it out as much as possible. The wound center would give him a topical numbing cream and then clean it out real good. He liked that a lot.
Now, here is another shot at the same time. I will post a picture of the latest healing process. You will see just how great it has healed. We are pleased because it was very much a concern with his Diabetes. But, last time at the wound center they said he only had to come back one more time and the "open" part of the wound was barely able to be measured. Yeah! Thank you wound center!
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Sarah W. said...

I know it supposed to be looking better, but I just say EWWWW!!! Can we use another word other than "beefy"?

Cait and Ben said...

Butt tickle!!

Stephanie Walker said...

Yuck! :)