Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Conference is coming up

Since General Conference is coming up I thought I would remind all you moms out there that there are things you can do to involve your kids. Here Emma and Sadee are listening for certain are used to help them. When they hear those words being spoken by the Genereal Authorities they have a snack assigned to that word. ei. peanuts, popcorn, gummi bears etc. I think that made them realize the importance of listening to Conference and it was age appropriate to them. Try it ....Emma was 5 and Sadee 3. Thanks to Sarah for a great idea.
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Anonymous said...
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Cait and Ben said...
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Cait and Ben said...

Hey Mom and everyone else - DO NOT click on "Yolar" or its comment. I did and it put a virus on my computer. Mom, get one of us to walk you through changing your privacy settings so random people can't comment.

Sarah W. said...

Oh yeah, I guess I have to figure out what snacks we can do this time. Also, Emma is 5 and Sadee is 3...I think you are jumping ahead to this summer when they have their birthdays.

Poppa and Grandma Netty said...

Thanks girls, I fixed the comment. Okay?