Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter Dinner at Grandma Crane's

Easter Dinner at Grandma's means several things to me. Being around my family and eating good food is only part of it. And, believe me, because of these people and others the food is ALWAYS good. The weather was gorgeous and the orange blossoms were pungent. But we usually have Ronnie wax eloquent on the meaning of Easter right before he calls on someone for the blessing on the food. So, we were reminded of the sacrifice our Heavenly Father made when he sent his son to take our sins upon Him and die for us, that we could live with Him again.
There is always someone there to listen to a good story, and the kitchen is just the place to catch the girls at it. (Wait a minute, I think Kent was eavesdropping)
There is another important reason to come to Grandma's on Easter......the next generation can get in on the fun..... and more importantly, rub elbows with their cousins and all the people who love them and support them in everything they do. (Even if it is just finding eggs for now) Later on it will be other things.
I love my family dearly for all the support and love they have always shown me and my children and my grandchildren. Thanks, guys! It was a beautiful day.
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