Thursday, May 15, 2008

Growing Things

If I can get to this tomatoe before the birds do I will have really accomplished something. I have several big ones coming and I am tending them so joyously. This plant shows some of the cherry tomatoes that are growing I have already eaten two that were orange because I couldn't wait ......they were already sweet and yummy.
So if anyone has advice on growing things in Arizona feel free to comment and give me any advice you have. I only have zuchinni and tomatoes and vinca in my garden because I have to keep it as simple as I can. I still have a growing boy in my house, a growing Ward @ church and a growing practice @ my work. Feed, nurture, pray and feed some more. That's my life right now.

1 comment:

Alisha said...

did someone have the day off? three posts at once!
lovely greens and i mean the plants and the frogs.