Friday, June 27, 2008

There is intelligence on Earth!

Proof that our grandkids are the smartest!

spelling bee from Alisha on Vimeo.
For my friends who visit here...I stole this video from my daughter in law because you must see that intelligence does exist in my family.
Cute huh?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Movie Fridays

This looks very painful but we actually had a lot of fun on Friday.
This is how Sadee holds her eyes open as wide as she can.
I know the routine.....Large bucket of popcorn WITH Ranch most of it while waiting for the movie to start, go for a refill and then 1/2 way through the movie try to pacify any uprisings. Shrek 3 was actually kind of a good movie. I was surprised.
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Take me out to the....MOVIES

Daddy and I took Emma and Sadee to the Summer time Movie Day on Friday. After entering the theatre we were taking some pictures and every time the flash went off Sadee blinked because of the difference in the brightness. However this is the most open Daddy's eyes were for the rest of the movie. .........Know what I mean?
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Friday, June 06, 2008

Posers at the park!

Chloe, Sadee, Jills, Emma
Sadee (ham)
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More posers at the park

Emma and Sadee riding a butterfly.

Hold it! Don't go down the slide yet! Grandma has to take a picture. (what a nuisance)
The slide was fun, right? (Even though I landed on my bum-bum)
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It's all about Trust

Jillian's Uncle Stanley loves his nieces. They don't mind him too much either. It's nice to be surrounded by a mutual admiration society.
Jilly just walked right up to this dog at the Mall Park. He trusted her and she trusted him. She didn't flinch and he didn't either. Children and animals are the best examples of trust and love.
Sadee must trust her Uncle Jeff a lot because you never know what he'll do when you are on his shoulders. This picture is a bit fuzzy because he was jumping up and down. But, she was willing to lose a shoe for it.
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They Say It's Your Birthday!!!!

When you get to be older you learn that birthday gifts come in unexpected packages. These two don't even know what they are in for yet. But so far it looks like love.

At two weeks old, I was lucky to catch little Camille with her eyes open. Here she is in her little cupcake with sprinkles outfit.
Jillian was having so much fun even though she was really pushin' it past bedtime. Well, Jeffrey, look what you have to show for 28 years. A beautiful and adoring wife, a fun-loving, smart and healthy toddler and a new sweet little spirit recently sent into your home for safe-keeping. .......not to mention an extended family that still loves you after all these years. We love you so much.....Momma
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Monday, June 02, 2008

Listen and Love

If you want to bring a tear to your eye and lump to your throat click on this music video made by Diamond Rio and enjoy!
YouTube - In God We Still Trust

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Armed and ready to serve

Well, this last friday daddy and I had the opportunity to work at the cannery in Mesa. We signed up for "Pork Chunks" day. It is really not as bad as it sounds. We had a great time, and it gave us a chance to work hard together. We were allowed to purchase 10 cases of Pork for our food storage. But we came away with 5 and some mushroom soup. Daddy was very busy doing RAK. If you don't know yet about that then just ask him next time you see him. He'll be glad to tell you all about it.
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On His Way...

Ross graduated this past week from 8th grade. We are very proud of him and the good things he has accomplished so far. We took him out to eat at the Serranos in Queen Creek.

Proof of promotion. It seems like only yesterday he was wearing a dalmation back pack in his feety pajamas and wanted to go to school like the "big" kids. (the pack was bigger than he was.)
Ross is accepting congratulations and a diploma from his principle and a member of the school board.
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